Dante, terzine from the world
every Monday from 29 March until 30 August 2021 at 6 p.m.
The project "Dante, terzine from the world" brings together 23 poets
who read some tercets from the Divine Comedy in their own language.
Who are the poets?
Nuno Judice winner of Reina Sofia Prize and Europe in Verse Lifetime Achievement Prize, who loves Italian poems of Pier Paolo Pasolini, reads in Portuguese next to the Monument to the Discoveries in Lisbon, Portugal (29 March).
Kooseul Kim recites tercets in Korean from Seoul, South Korea; professor of English literature at Hyupsung University, she is the daughter of the poet Kim Daljin, to whose memory a museum has been dedicated in the city of Changwon (5 April).
From Budapest, Sándor Halmosi reads Dante in Hungarian. In his verses we can found mathematical clarity. He is a poet committed to the intercultural dialogue (12 April).
Dante from Hanoi, Vietnam, with Kieu Bich Hau in front of a Buddhist temple. Kieu Bich Hau is a journalist, novelist and poet, whose books deal with the difficult condition of women in Vietnam (19 April).
Rafael Soler introduces us to Purgatory with a reading of the Lord's Prayer of Prouds in Spanish. He is also vice-president of the Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España. (26 April);
Taeko Uemura from Kyoto reads in Japanese some tercets from Purgatory. She is a member of the Japanese Universal Poetry Association (3 May).
Jüri Talvet, professor of comparative languages, takes us to Estonia and reads Dante from the city of Tartu, chosen as the European Capital of Culture in 2024 (10 May).
Marisol Bohorquez Godoy, a Colombian poet living in the USA, offers us a theatrical interpretation of Francesca da Polenta from Canto V of Hell; she holds a degree in engineering but has now devoted herself entirely to her passion: poetry (17 May).
TuÄŸrul Tanyol, is one of the most representative contemporary poet in Turkey, winner of the Europa in versi Career Award. He has temporarily moved to Washington and reads tercets near the statue of Dante at Hill Park (24 May).
Maria Do Sameiro Barroso is a poet and a medical doctor with a second degree in Germanic philology. One of her poems has been included in the anthology "La Poesia e La Libertà" of the Festival Europa in versi 2020. She reads the first tercet from Canto I of Paradise, which she finds “absolutely fascinating”, in Portuguese (31 May).
Dmytro Chystiak brings us to the Hill of St Vladimir Park in Kiev, next to the statue of Dante by Luciano Massari. He is an Ukrainian poet, influenced by the Orthodox spirituality, and the secretary of the Academy of Art, Science and Literature in Paris (7 June).
Mariko Sumikura from Kyoto reads in Japanese tercets from Canto I of Hell. She is a member of the Japanese Universal Poetry Association and a translator, she writes haiku and firmly believes that poetry can help combat false beliefs and evil from the world (14 June).
Víctor Rodríguez Núñez was born in Cuba and now lives in the United States. He is a poet, a literary critic and a translator and has won major poetry prizes, including the prestigious International Prize of the Lowe Foundation in Spain. He reads tercets from Canto XXIII of Hell (21 June).
Doris Kareva reads Dante from Tallin in Estonian. Daughter of the composer Hillar Kareva, from whom she inherited the musicality of her verses, she was among other things the National Secretary of the Estonian National Commission for UNESCO (28 June).
From New Jersey, William Wolak reads in English a tercet from Canto V of Hell, where Paolo and Francesca are held in their eternal embrace by the power of love. William Wolak is a collage artist, photographer and writes love poems linked to his research in the field of erotology. (5 July).
Gili Haimovich, an Israeli poet with a Canadian background, reads in Hebrew from Canto IX of Purgatory. She wrote an interesting comment about some similarities between the Divine Comedy and the Bible (12 July).
Rui Cóias reads the tercets from the Canto III of Hell that students used to put on the door of the classroom at the University of Coimbra, where they took their law exams with a particularly strict professor. He was among those students. He is poet and editor of the literary magazine Verseville (19 July).
Hughes Labrusse, reads Dante in French. His father is the novelist Roger Labrusse. His teacher was the philosopher Jean Beaufret, an interpreter of Heidegger, who introduced him to Jean Guitton, an exponent of Catholic thought. His poems are translated in many languages, especially in the Far East (26 July).
From Ireland, Helen Dwyer reads the first tercet of Canto I from Heaven. She has been the director of the Writers' Union of Ireland and hosts the poetry and literature radio programme Rhyme & Reason. Her poetry is about human rights (2 August).
Tamer Öncül from Cyprus reads Dante in Turkish: he is a poet committed to the peaceful reunification of the Greek and the Turkish parts of the island (9 August).
Maria Elena Blanco reads from Canto XXIII of Heaven. She is from Cuba, now lives in Vienna and has lived in Argentina, the United States, France, England, Chile and Kenya. She has participated as researcher and speaker in academic symposia in Europe and Latin America. For more than two decades, she has worked as a translator at various United Nations offices (16 August).
Masud Uzzaman reads Dante in Bangla, the seventh most spoken language in the world, from Dhaka. He is a poet, a literary critic, a university professor, the founder and the editor of the international multilingual literary magazine Teerandaz published in Bangladesh. He was recently awarded with the “Best International Poet” tile at the Panorama International Literary Festival 2020, India (23 August).
Maria Mistrioti, from Greece, reads from Canto II of Purgatory. She is a full member of the Greek Literary Society (30 August).
All the videos, edited into a documentary with contributions from Galaverni and Garavaglia, will be screened in October during the 11th edition of the festival.